Straż Graniczna Ośrodek Szkoleń Specjalistycznych SG im. gen. bryg. Wilhelma Orlika-Rückemanna „Strengthening the surveillance of UE borders by developing canine training activities, infrastructure conversion, further equipping and expansion of OSS SG in Lubań” no PDP V - Wzmocnienie ochrony granic UE poprzez rozwój kynologicznej działalności szkoleniowej, rozbudowę, przebudowę i doposażenie infrastrukturalne OSS SG w Lubaniu


Wzmocnienie ochrony granic UE poprzez rozwój kynologicznej działalności szkoleniowej, rozbudowę, przebudowę i doposażenie infrastrukturalne OSS SG w Lubaniu

„Strengthening the surveillance of UE borders by developing canine training activities, infrastructure conversion, further equipping and expansion of OSS SG in Lubań” no PDP V

Anna Chmura



„Strengthening the surveillance of UE borders by developing canine training activities, infrastructure conversion, further equipping and expansion of OSS SG  in Lubań” no PDP V

Acronym of Name: Power of Working Dogs (PoWD)

The project is financed from the "Home Affairs" Program implemented under the Norwegian Funds for 2014-2021. The program is at the disposal of the Minister of the Interior and Administration.

Total value of the project: 2 295 919,02 PLN.

Value of the grant: 1 951531,17 PLN.

Project implementation timeframe: 01 April 2020  – 30 September 2023

Project partners:

Lithuanian State Border Guard Service

Canine Training Centre of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The project titled „Strengthening the surveillance of EU borders by developing canine training  activities, infrastructure conversion, further equipping and expansion of OSS SG” involves training of Border Guard officers prepared to operate independently as working dogs selectors and trainers and working dogs handlers instructors.

Training objective: preparation of training staff qualified to carry out tasks within service dogs selection and training. During the project activities, trainees will gain the knowledge necessary to select, train and improve the work of service dogs used for combating cross-border criminality (drug trafficking, terrorism). The project also includes complementary measures aimed at the exchange of experience and good practice in the field of service cynology by handling two international conferences, international service dogs competition and a seminar. All these events to be implemented with participation of the Lithuanian and Ukrainian partners.


ACTIVITY 1 – purchase of cars intended to transport dogs:

ACTIVITY 2 – purchase of equipment necessary to train candidates for training instructors:

ACTIVITY 3 – monitoring visit:

ACTIVITY 4  – working dog conference – commencement of the project:

ACTIVITY 5 – tutorial:

ACTIVITY 6.1 – training of candidates for instructors I:

ACTIVITY 6.2 – training of candidates for instructors II:

ACTIVITY 7 – service dogs competition – termination of the project:

The implementation of the project through training of instructor staff to be responsible for selection, training and improving service dogs will contribute to the increased efficiency of guard, patrol, tracking and detection dogs trained on drugs, explosives and weapon, using the necessary infrastructure and the experience exchange among the project partners and public order agencies.  

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